COVID-19 Visitation Information

Visitation is now allowed for most Residents who are not actively fighting an infection.  It is recommended that each visitor have a COVID-19 test, rapid or PCR, during the 48 hours before visit.  If you cannot arrange a test, please let us know for possible testing at the center. Vaccination of visitor and/or resident will determine  activities permitted during visitation. All visitors must adhere to infection prevention practices by wearing a face mask, keeping six feet or more physical distance from others and performing hand hygiene before and after the visit. Visitors will need to remain in the designated visitor locations which will be reviewed at the time of the visit.  Visitors are prohibited from walking freely throughout the center. You will be told if you require other personal protective equipment when you arrive.

Please see the attached Visitation Fact Sheet which was provided by California department of Public Health.

© Fortuna Rehabilitation & Wellness Center, LP
2321 Newburg Rd, Fortuna, CA 95540
(707) 725-4467

important Covid19 update for Fortuna Rehabilitation and Wellness Center

Updated Info