Skin Care in Seniors
As we age, it sometimes seems as though our bodies are actively revolting against us. And nowhere is that more physically noticeable than in the appearance of our skin. Over time, it becomes thinner and loses the elasticity and collagen that were so abundant in youth. It would be easy to think that the only problems resulting from this are appearance based. However, the resulting issues are more than just skin deep. And skin care in Seniors is just as important as taking your daily medications.
The skin, like every organ, has a very important purpose. It exists to protect all the internal organs and muscles from external threats. It keeps muscles and bones from being damaged during minor falls or injuries. But once the skin loses that thin layer of fat underneath, it becomes obvious by the ease with which it bruises, that the protection it once provided is gone. This can be a contributing factor in broken bones, certain tumors, and infection. If the skin tears or is easily cut, it isn’t difficult to imagine that there would be a heightened opportunity for bacteria to get into those abrasions before you even know they are there.
So, what can you do to keep your skin healthy for as long as possible? There are a million different beauty products out there that will supposedly keep your skin healthy and young, but the best method is the full body method, not some $200 an ounce cream. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants. Stop smoking. Drink only in moderation. Stay out of the sun, or at least use the strongest sunscreen you can find before venturing out. Don’t take scalding hot baths and showers. The hot water dries out the skin.
Ultimately, no one can stave off the effects of aging forever. But, even if you can push that clock back a few years, it’s worth the effort.